A creative outlet

Image by Colin Behrens from Pixabay

Image by Colin Behrens from Pixabay

This is my first post on my new blog at the site creativeacoustician.com. I have a very good feeling about this. Here, I have found a creative outlet, where I can express my thoughts completely unfiltered and authentic. When I started vlogging and blogging little over two months ago, I had no idea that I would find so much joy in it. It has become like therapy for me now. The blog is a useful tool to put your thoughts on paper and when you write them down, you are forced to take a stand. It is like having a public debate with yourself, similar to the scene with Gollum in Lord of the rings when he is talking with himself as Smeagol. You move forward as a consequence.

I have learned that there is a prerequisite of blogging (and vlogging). It all starts with yourself. Ideas can come from the Head or from the Heart. I think I have mostly been stuck in my Head my for a long time, but when I was younger, I listened more to the Heart (Maybe we all did?). So, when I started blogging, I was expressing my ideas from the Head and not from the Heart. And you don’t have to be an expert to tell when it is the real deal. When someone is talking about something that they are truly passionate about, there is a fire in their eyes that cannot be faked. And this fire attracts! I have set myself a target of one blog per week, no matter what. I quickly found out that the only way to fulfil that target was to go straight to the core, to my roots. To my Heart. Otherwise it cannot work. You cannot force yourself to write about something that you are not passionate about and sustain it over time. When the passion is there, you will instead feel the need to write. It is like an urge; something is missing when you abstain. That is where you want to be. I was not expecting it, but the blogging has reconnected me with my Heart again and for that I am truly grateful.

I look at life as if it rests on three pillars: 1) Yourself, 2) Family and 3) Business. I have been trying so hard for the better part of a decade to get 3) working properly. Around 2014/2015 I realized that I need 2) first, otherwise 3) cannot work. And now finally, by blogging and vlogging, I realized that 2) needs a solid 1) as a foundation. I thought I had my life in order, but I have been fooling myself. I have always considered myself as an engineer who loves music. But recently I got an ever so little push from my friends, the straw that breaks the camel’s back, and it all came together. I am a musician who loves engineering. It may be a tiny shift in perspective, but it changed my world. As another friend of mine put it: “Cut your chains and you will become free. Cut your roots and you will die.” I was certainly free, but I had almost cut my roots in the process.

I am a creative person and a creative person needs a creative outlet. Otherwise they will starve and die. I have finally found mine in this website. I have so many ideas in my head that need to come out and I can’t see a better outlet that this. In the near future I will use the site primarily for Blogging, but with time I will add music, art, a podcast and perhaps even some form of online education with webinars. It really doesn’t matter as long as I am having fun and love what I do here. By consistently creating and publishing content, I will receive feedback from you on what works and what doesn’t. This can only lead to one thing – that I will heal my broken self. The critical foundation I called 1) above.

I have found that few things will boost your creativity like limitations. However, few things can kill your creativity as limitations that are undefined to you. The limitations thus must be defined by you and not externally. That is why I am convinced that this site – creativeacoustician.com – is critical for both me and for everyone else. Here, I will keep it authentic and unfiltered. These thoughts are mine and mine alone. That way I can discover how I can produce maximum value to the world. I want to become a team player and lift others, but I cannot do it if I don’t know what role I can fulfil. My dream is to create a system that lifts others even when I am not there anymore.