Posts tagged Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
Wife approval factor  -999

I recently bought a flight simulator seat for my VR rig. I have been thinking about buying one for many years, but I couldn't really justify the expense due to the exceptionally narrow use case and all the downsides that comes with such a product. Nevertheless, once this thing is properly installed with a throttle, rudder pedals and a flight stick, the experience is mind-blowing. This is what VR was made for. The immersion got a huge boost, primarily because all of control surfaces are exactly where they should be in physical space, and I can now finally calibrate my head position to be exactly in the pilot’s seat.

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Flight Simulator in VR

When I first tried Microsoft Flight Simulator about a year ago, it was the most impressive thing I had ever done on a PC. The ability to fly literally anywhere in the world cannot be described, it must be experienced personally. Now, Microsoft has also implemented support for Virtual Reality, which makes something that was already awesome even more impressive. If your PC has the horsepower to drive it, it is by leaps and bounds the coolest thing I have ever done on a computer. The only thing that comes remotely close would be the first time I tried the Super Nintendo for the first time.

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Epic video gaming moments

What Microsoft has done with Flight Simulator 2020 is nothing but mind blowing. They have digitalized the entire world for us to fly around in. They have used map data with height geometry and flight and satellite photos from Bing and combined it with AI magic that have generated buildings and trees with image recognition technology. The weather is rendered in real time, so if you look outside and it’s a rainy sunset in Umeå, that is precisely what you will experience if you fire up the simulator and take off from Umeå Airport. If you go low enough, you can even see cars driving on the roads. The graphics are nothing short of stunning. It is by far the most beautiful video game I have seen. However, that last sentence will probably age poorly, because I have said the same thing about Super Mario on the NES.

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