Posts tagged w124
A perfect time capsule

Why do we know how sand tastes like? Or dirt, or wood, or mud, or whatever strange material you would never consider eating…? I think the answer is that we have tasted just about every material and substance out there when we were kids. If you’ve been around an infant, you know exactly what I mean. They taste anything they come close to. Which brings me to my second point, Memory.

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The car upgrade process has begun

When I was 18 with a fresh driver’s license, my top priority was to upgrade my car – a W124 200D – with a subwoofer. The only thing I cared about was to get maximum bass. I put a 12” closed box and power amp in the trunk and from what I remember, it worked quite well! Thinking back now, I do have some serious doubts regarding sound quality when matching terrible factory speakers from the 1980’s with a (then) modern powerful sub. But that was not important then. Bass was. Two and a half decades later, here I am, designing a car audio system for a W124 again. The circle is closed. But this time however, I intend to do it right.

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