Physical meetings will never be replaced, pt II.

Image by Alexa from Pixabay

Last Saturday we threw a surprise 40-year anniversary party for an old friend. At the event, I met a whole bunch of my old friends. The wise saying that “you will never gain any new old friends” comes to mind. Anyway, let’s elaborate further on last week’s topic of physical vs online meetings. An event like this is the definite proof of how irreplaceable real social interaction is.

Anyone pursuing a career and not just a means to pay the bills will probably recognize the feeling of misplaced priorities that can be felt after amazing old-friend gatherings like my example. If these meetings are so exceptionally rewarding, why don’t we choose to prioritize them more often? Why is it so mindbogglingly easy to get stuck in the rat race and forget about what truly matters? I know for sure that my kids have been very helpful in this regard. I cannot fathom any stronger way of fully understanding the passage of time than watching your kids grow up. When you get the AI generated photo slide shows every now and then and R2D2 decided to hit me straight in the heart by collecting a bunch of “growing up” pictures. Every single one of those pictures feels like it was taken yesterday. And then you check the time stamp… I am equally jaw-dropped every time that happens when I realize how much has happened during that time.

A major difference between the kids and your old mates is that it is much more difficult to notice Father Time’s influence. As a percentage of the life span, five years is an eternity for a kid, but it is less than 10% for someone like me. I recommend anyone to do the math; How many more of these gatherings do you reckon you can experience before you kick the bucket? It’s not that many mate, even if you put your back into it… That’s why meetings with friends and family should and must be considered holy. It makes a world of difference if you are completely present and in a good state of mind.

Personally, I have had a lot of turmoil because I invest so much time in my work as a self-employed consultant. But overall, I am convinced it is worth it. I have my office dogs with me at any given moment, and I feel a stronger meaning in my work than ever before. That helps a lot. Quantity is not equal to quality. I have written a diary since 2017, every day, and it has been an invaluable tool to keep track of my overall health, where I can detect long term trends. It felt so good this Saturday to go to one of your best mates’ 40-year party and really be there. I was immersed in the occasion. It is truly a blessing when you learn to disconnect. To crunch hard and still be able to snap out of it when necessary. I am beyond grateful that I seem to have finally learned that ability. It was not always like that. Until recently, I could get stuck and be upset for hours about stupidly small things. Far from being present. It must have been the kids and the realization of the torrent of time that helped me to mature.

Thinking back, I have now attended two of these priceless occasions only in the 2nd half of 2023. That’s not bad at all. I think I am on the right path again with my priorities, after being lost for many years.