Posts tagged hotel
A smile can change everything.

Last week I spent four hotel nights at various locations, but they were all hotels in the same chain – Scandic. It was interesting to see how much the experience can vary, even though it is the same in so many ways. The last two hotels in Uppsala and Gävle were especially noteworthy because the rooms were so nearly identical that I would probably not have been able to tell which one was which if I had randomly teleported to one of them.

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Self-solving problems and pleasant surprises

Last week I had a couple of sound measurements planned in Eskilstuna and Uppsala. However, just a couple of days before departure, I realized that I had forgotten to book a hotel. In big cities, that is usually not a problem, but in a smaller city like Eskilstuna it is quite possible that all the rooms run out on a given night. And that is precisely what happened to me. I found one room left on a place called Thottska Villan, about 20-25 minutes from the city centre. When you consider that you park in front of the entrance, I am not convinced that I even lost any time. But when I arrived on site, I was blown away by what turned out to be jackpot as far as hotel nights go.

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