Posts tagged workfromhome
Sustainable computing

I have learned the hard way that internet speed is almost irrelevant and that what really matters is latency. Since 2019, we live in the countryside where there is no fiber broadband connection to be found in the near future. Instead, our only option is to use a permanent 4G connection which gives great speed up to 200 Mbps with the external antennas on the roof compared to about 50 Mbps with the modems original antennas. However, the latency never goes below 40 ms which might not sound like much, but depending on your usage scenario, it can drive you insane. In comparison, a fiber connection lies in the 4-5 ms domain.

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Elon Musk was right

Elon musk recently told Tesla Employees to get back to the office for at least 40 hours per week, or “pretend to work somewhere else”. I noted that there was a significant backlash to this statement in the comments sections on LinkedIn for example. Clearly, many people do not agree with Musk and appreciate the choice to work from home or the office and where you consider yourself most productive. It is a question that evoke a lot of emotions. Personally, I think Musk is correct. I also think it is useful to evaluate this question and compare it to education.

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Dress like the person you want to become

One of the greatest lies I know of, is that it does not matter how you dress. Anyone who has ever worn a dark formal suit on a funeral agrees with this statement by their action. We dress up to show respect for the dead person. There is a saying that you never get a second chance to make a first impression, and by dressing and grooming inappropriately, you will have made your first impression long before the words start coming out of your mouth. Combine it with a bad posture and insecure body language and you have the perfect recipe for failure in just about any domain.

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