Posts tagged network
Sustainable computing

I have learned the hard way that internet speed is almost irrelevant and that what really matters is latency. Since 2019, we live in the countryside where there is no fiber broadband connection to be found in the near future. Instead, our only option is to use a permanent 4G connection which gives great speed up to 200 Mbps with the external antennas on the roof compared to about 50 Mbps with the modems original antennas. However, the latency never goes below 40 ms which might not sound like much, but depending on your usage scenario, it can drive you insane. In comparison, a fiber connection lies in the 4-5 ms domain.

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Don’t think, just dad

Last weekend I learned a secret dad technique. I have been working on a small IT central in our walk-in closet for a while, with a patch bay, router etc. Basically, the hub of our home network connecting all the rooms and buildings. I had a small shelf system that was supposed to carry a couple of devices, but it had been lying around for several weeks and it annoyed me more and more every time I put my eyes on the unfinished project. But this time, something snapped in me. I couldn’t stand looking at that mess anymore, so I simply grabbed my tools and ruthlessly started working. Meanwhile, our two sons and Labrador retrievers were busy tearing the home apart. It’s standard practice and the primary reason why the IT central was still unfinished. My wife was screaming for help, but I just replied, “No, that’s your problem now, I am busy” and locked the door. To say that it wasn’t popular, is a slight understatement. But sometimes you must make a choice. Take a hit now or suffer death by a thousand cuts. I chose the former. And it was a good choice.

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