A simple Valentine’s Day

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Last Saturday I finally tested positive and started acquiring my natural immunity. Knowing that everyone on the planet will get it sooner or later, I was relieved when the two lines showed up after inserting a tops half-way into my brain. So nice to just get it over with and leave this whole insanity behind us. The sickness has been a walk in the park. One of the mildest colds I have ever had. But the week was quite tough anyway due to the lack of sleep. My sleep account was already running dry, and when both boys got the fever and kept us up at night, the whole situation felt more like a bad hangover that went on for a week.

Sleep depravation is very bad for the immune system. At the time of this writing, I still have some sniffles, but I am pretty sure that given enough sleep I would be completely recovered by now. The situation was no different for my wife. She also suffers on the sleep department, perhaps even more than I do. It was also tough to do focused consultancy work with technical meetings, when you feel like the intellectual capacity of a vegetable on the inside. Needless to say, we haven’t had much time to interact this past week, which is rather stressful. To maintain a functional relationship, you need at the very least 15 minutes of present interaction every day.

Today on the 14th of February, the boys are finally feeling a lot better and sleep well at night and so do we. It felt a bit sad to celebrate Valentine’s Day without any flowers or chocolate or nothing. But what can you do when you’re sick? Neither of us was in shape to grab anything from the store. However, my (sometimes genius) past self had apparently already thought about this potential problem. I sometimes buy up some extra stuff and place here and there in case I need a little energy boost. And I remembered that I had a piece of orange chocolate lying around in my office. Prepare some milk tea, bring out the chocolate and voila! We got ourselves a little moment in peace and quiet while the boys were sleeping. We really needed that, to feel normal again.

It doesn’t take much to turn an average Monday night into something very special. Preparation is key! =)